Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 5, 2011

ANTM Cycle 16 Ep 11

The day after returning from panel, Miss J. arrived at the top model apartment, and escorted the girls to an informal meeting with Franca Sozzani, the editor-in-chief of Vogue Italia, giving them the chance to ask her questions, and show her their portfolios. After Franca left, J. next introduced the girls to Noor Talbi, a professional tea-tray dancer, who after teaching the girls the art of balancing trays on their heads, informed them that they would have to demonstrate what they had learned in front of a live audience later that night.
At the challenge, J. informed the girls of a further twist – they would have to balance lit candles on their trays, as well as dance with a professional group of tea-tray dancers. Molly struggled, tripping on her skirt almost immediately, and making little effort to recover, but Brittani excelled and managed to keep her tray balanced for her whole routine. Alexandria initially performed well, but dropped her tray completely in her final move, and struggled to regain her composure. Eventually, Brittani was named as the challenge winner, giving her the opportunity to have a personal runway lesson from J, along with Hannah, who she chose to share the reward. Later, the girls were wandering through Marrakesh, and discovered a restaurant with unusual delicacies, including eyeballs, and goat’s brain, which each of the girls sampled. Later, Brittani regretted her decision at the restaurant, having fallen ill since eating there.
At the photoshoot, Jay told the girls that their shoot would be a continuation of the story behind their last shoot, and introduced them to their photographer for the week, Friedemann Hauss. Hannah struggled to successfully portray her story, and struggled as a result, but Molly and Brittani once again excelled. Alexandria was excited for the shoot, but became frustrated when Jay warned her not to be controlling at the shoot again, and consequently her performance suffered.
At panel, Alexandria received a mixed responded for her shot, and the judges all agreed her shot was not high fashion, something which they also said of Brittani, though they still liked her picture. Hannah also had a decent picture, but the judges again worried that she was not a standout. Molly impressed the most with her high fashion shot, and ultimately she earned the first call out for the second week in a row. Hannah and Alexandria were named as the bottom two, both for control issues – Alexandria for being to controlling at her shoots, and Hannah for lacking the control to be consistent, but in the end, Hannah was given a reprieve, and Alexandria was eliminated from the competition.
  • First call-out: Molly O'Connell
  • Bottom two: Alexandria Everett & Hannah Jones
  • Eliminated: Alexandria Everett
  • Featured photographer: Friedemann Hauss
  • Special Guest: Daniella Issa Helayel, Franca Sozzani

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