Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 5, 2011

ANTM Cycle 16 Ep 5

Following her appearance in the bottom two at the previous panel, Alexandria rued how she was being perceived by the judges, but the other girls all felt that the judges had her personality down correctly, and joked that they should let her fall on her own sword, and talk her way out of the competition. Despite having it redone, Molly was still unhappy with her hair weave, and revealed how it had made her scalp swell.
The girls were taken to a Cover Girl challenge, where the girls were put into teams to shoot promotional videos for Cover Girl foundation. The girls were sorted in teams of three, with each being assigned a specific role in the team – one as the director, one as the script writer, and one as the star of the commercial. Molly and Monique both struggled to perform in their roles, as their teammate, Alexandria tried to take over their roles once again, but Monique was praised for managing to do well in spite of Alexandria. In the end, the group of Brittani, Kasia and Mikaela won the challenge, and the opportunity for their video to be shown on the Cover girl website. Back at the house, Alexandria tearfully called her boyfriend, feeling misunderstood in the house, but while she did so, the other girls gossiped about her, and Monique decided to read her diary, to find out how she really felt about the other girls.
Teams Theme
Alexandria, Molly & Monique Day time, Casual
Dalya, Jaclyn & Hannah Bold, Colorful Eyes
Brittani, Kasia & Mikaela Night, Red Carpet
For their next photo shoot, the girls were taken to the old L.A Zoo, where they were to pose for Rachel Zoe's faux fur collection, and learned that they would be shooting with Murato, a baby jaguar. Kasia experienced the most difficulty posing with the jaguar due to her being allergic to animals, whilst Dalya was accused of only doing basic poses. Molly was unhappy about being the penultimate girl to shoot, as she felt that the jaguar had grown increasingly frustrated as the day has gone on, and the girls who shot first had it easier.
At panel, Brittani, Jaclyn and Monique all received positive feedback, but Hannah received top praise for her stellar photograph, and received first call-out for the second time. Dalya received the worst feedback, as the judges felt that she was doubting herself, and it was getting in the way of her performance, and she landed in the bottom two alongside Molly, for letting hair trouble distract her. Eventually Molly was saved, and was told that her weave would now be removed altogether, and Dalya was sent home.
  • First call-out: Hannah Jones
  • Bottom two: Dalya Morrow & Molly O'Connell
  • Eliminated: Dalya Morrow
  • Featured photographer: Baldomero Fernandez
  • Special Guest: Rachael Zoe, Vincent Oquendo

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