Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 5, 2011

ANTM Cycle 16 Ep 3

First Air Date: March 9, 2011
The girls returned from panel to find a drape with descriptions of their makeovers, but not to which girl each style corresponded, causing panic from some, and excitement from others. The girls were taken to the Privé salon in Los Angeles, and although most of the girls were satisfied with their new looks, Sara was disappointed not to get a weave and Alexandria expressed her concerns about how she thought her stylist should be fixing her hair, though she was ultimately happy with the overall result. An independent stylist was brought in specifically for Molly’s advanced weave, but the style was universally panned, and Molly angrily expressed her disdain at her new look.
Model Makeovers
Alexandria "Longer, Straighter, Blonder!"
Brittani "Short Dutch Boy"
Dalya "Long black & Straight"
Dominique "Kinky, Red & Wild"
Hannah "Dirty Blond & Big Waves"
Jaclyn "Big Gurly & Curly"
Kasia "Big Blond crimped Craziness"
Mikaela "Think Pocahontas"
Molly "What if Diana Ross was a Blonde?"
Monique "Add a few gentle Waves"
Sara "Manly short brown spikes"
The girls were next taken to a farm for their photo shoot, and learned they would be shooting in groups this week. They then met their photographer Pamela Hanson and stylist Lori Goldstein, who dressed the girls in couture gowns. Alexandria was unhappy before her shoot with Monique after discovering a pimple, and was criticized for her unacceptable attitude by Pamela and Lori. Sara and Mikaela were pleased to be shooting together, but were criticized for being unable to work together to pull off a good shot. In the only group with three girls, Jaclyn and Dalya worked well together, but Dominique struggled to gain inspiration, and Jay noted that she had become a spare part in the shoot.

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